One World, One Heart
by Susan Polis Schutz

Foreword to the Online Edition

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, dedicated individuals
can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

— Margaret Mead

Susan Polis Schutz needs no introduction. She has been one of the world's bestselling poets for decades, with book sales in the millions. From her early 1970's writings to the present day, Susan has been an inspiring voice that people have turned to time and time again, and her words have helped provide a perspective on the world we live in.

After the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Susan Polis Schutz instinctively responded in the same manner she always does to situations that are difficult to understand or explain: she sat down and wrote. In the midst of the world's turmoil, she searched her heart for an eloquent way to promote peace, tolerance, and understanding. This remarkable woman, who had once been a New York City schoolteacher, also turned to poems she had written years ago, but which now—in light of 9/11—took on an added significance. She captured her feelings on paper, and melded her compassion and insight into a message of hope. Susan collaborated with her husband, artist/designer Stephen Schutz, choosing illustrations to accompany her poems.

As she was gathering her thoughts and putting all this together, little did Susan know that she was about to bring many millions of people together. There's a great deal to explain about how this edition came into being, and there's a fascinating story to tell, one that is worthy of its own chapter in publishing history. It begins with the first small printing of One World, One Heart, a book that made its debut on October 24, 2001, shortly after the tragic events of 9/11.

In the midst of so much loss, Susan Polis Schutz and Stephen Schutz wanted to be able to give. Out of their desire to help, a rather extraordinary decision was made: Print the small book of poetry and art, and rather than profiting from its publication, give it away for free to as many individuals, groups, and assemblages as possible. Make it available to schools, community agencies, churches, mosques, and synagogues. Add police and fire stations, scout troops, political groups, hospitals, charities, rehabilitation centers, and others to the list.

What occurred from the time of the book's debut to the present day was simply amazing. The response to One World, One Heart went from "promising" to "overwhelming" to "phenomenal!" It wasn't long before Blue Mountain Arts' mailboxes and switchboards in Boulder, Colorado were flooded with thousands upon thousands of thank-you notes and requests for more books. Two hundred orders turned into four hundred. Those four hundred became eight hundred...

Blue Mountain Arts wound up shipping 6,500,000 copies of One World, One Heart in the span of eighteen months.

Just as the original edition moved so many people, it is hoped that this online edition will continue to touch people's hearts, share a much-needed message, and—hopefully—open the door to a more understanding world.

— Douglas Pagels
Blue Mountain Arts


From Readers of This Book

"The book's messages are more meaningful than ever after 9/11 and after the horrific events in the Middle East... In your very own way, you have brought peace and solace to so very many who are suffering."

— A Reader from Boca Raton, FL

"What a beautiful book—beautiful in its intention, its expressions, and its art. What a generous and loving gift to the world... We each have many colleagues, students, and friends with whom to share your book. It will have a ripple effect for sure."

— A Reader from Windsor, CT

"One of our physicians was killed on the plane that hit the Pentagon... Most of our physicians are from all over the world—many from the Middle East—and over 30 languages are spoken in this area. We are very aware of the tensions that can arise when we do NOT see ourselves as One World, One Heart."

— A Director of Mission Leadership
      for a Health Care System in Southern California

"We have been doing counseling and crisis intervention nonstop... When I was given your booklet yesterday, it was like a breath of fresh air. I feel it could be helpful for so many members of our campus community."

 — A Catholic Campus Minister
      at Farmingdale State University in New York

"If only everyone in the world would live by the words you have shared with us, what a wonderful place this world would be."

 — A Girl Scout Director in Jonesboro, GA

"This precious book is so touching that I would like my inner-city children to read it... My school is located in... one of the most ethnically diverse areas of the city. For these children, learning tolerance is every bit as important as learning the ABC's."

— A Teacher from Flushing, NY

"I am from Iran, living in the U.S. Today a friend gave me a copy of One World, One Heart... Thank you for such beautiful thoughts. I will travel to Turkey soon and I will give this book to my family and share this feeling with them. I wish one day soon that everybody will know... we are all one."

— A Reader from Dallas, TX

"The tragic events of September 11 have, while changing our lives dramatically, also brought out the 'best' in many people. This beautiful book and your distribution of it is one shining example of the 'best' that we are."

— A Nun of the Sisters of Mercy,
       Brooklyn, NY

"This book could move mountains."

— A Reader from Durham, NC